686 People Viewed 0 Universities Providing this course in India

Duration 6 MONTHS TO 1 YEAR
Eligibility 10th standard (or equivalent) with a minimum percentage requirement
Fee (Per Year) 20k to 50k*

About Course

Overview and About the Diploma TACK WELDER Course:


The Diploma in Tack Welder course is designed to provide students with the necessary skills and knowledge to become proficient in tack welding techniques. Tack welding is a preliminary welding process used to temporarily join metal pieces together before the final welding is performed. It is commonly used in various industries such as construction, manufacturing, and fabrication.


During the course, students will learn the fundamentals of welding, including safety precautions, welding equipment setup, and different welding methods. They will be trained on the proper techniques for tack welding, including positioning, electrode selection, and weld quality inspection. Students will also gain hands-on experience through practical training sessions, where they will practice tack welding on various materials and in different positions.


The course curriculum may cover topics such as welding theory, metallurgy, blueprint reading, welding symbols, welding codes and standards, and welding quality control. Students will also learn about welding safety practices, personal protective equipment, and the importance of maintaining a clean and organized work environment.


Upon completion of the course, graduates will be equipped with the skills to perform tack welding tasks effectively and safely. They may find employment opportunities as tack welders, welding assistants, or entry-level welders in industries such as construction, manufacturing, shipbuilding, and automotive.





FEES 20k to 50k
ELIGIBILITY 10th standard (or equivalent) with a minimum percentage requirement

Why to do the course?


Industry Demand: Welding is an in-demand skill in various industries such as construction, manufacturing, and fabrication. By acquiring specialized knowledge and skills in tack welding, individuals can enhance their employability and take advantage of job opportunities in these sectors.


Entry-Level Position: The Diploma in Tack Welder course provides a solid foundation for individuals who are new to the field of welding. It offers comprehensive training in tack welding techniques, allowing students to enter the workforce as entry-level tack welders or welding assistants.


Skill Enhancement: If you are already working in the welding industry but want to improve your skills and broaden your career prospects, pursuing a diploma course in tack welding can be beneficial. It provides an opportunity to refine your welding techniques, gain specialized knowledge, and enhance your overall proficiency in welding.


Hands-On Experience: Tack welding involves practical, hands-on work with welding equipment and materials. The course offers ample opportunities for students to practice their skills in a supervised environment, allowing them to gain valuable experience and confidence in tack welding processes.


Career Progression: For individuals already working in the welding field, completing a Diploma in Tack Welder course can open doors to career advancement. With the additional skills and knowledge acquired through the course, individuals may qualify for higher-level welding positions or supervisory roles within their organizations.


Eligibility Criteria Required for the Course Diploma TACK WELDER Course:


·       Educational Qualifications: Most institutes require candidates to have completed at least a high school diploma or its equivalent (10+2 level) from a recognized educational board.


·       Age Limit: There may be a minimum age requirement for admission to the course, typically ranging from 16 to 18 years. The specific age limit can vary based on the institute and local regulations.


·       Physical Fitness: Welding work involves manual labor and working in various conditions. Candidates may be required to meet certain physical fitness standards to ensure their ability to handle the physical demands of the job.


·       Medical Fitness: Some institutes may require candidates to undergo a medical examination to assess their overall health and fitness for working in a welding environment. This is to ensure that candidates do not have any health conditions that may pose risks to themselves or others during the course or in the workplace.


·       English Language Proficiency: Proficiency in the English language may be required to understand and follow the course materials and instructions effectively. Some institutes may conduct an English language proficiency test or consider English language scores from standardized tests.



Highlights of the Diploma TACK WELDER Course:


Full name of the course

Diploma in TACK WELDER

Duration of the course

6 Months to 2 years

Type of the course


Examination Mode


Eligibility Criteria

10+2 or equivalent exam with a minimum of 50 percent marks from a recognized institution

Admission Process

Entrance/ Merit Based

Course Fee

INR 20k-1 lakh

Top Recruiting Areas

Manufacturing and Fabrication, construction industry, Shipbuilding and Marine Industry, Oil and Gas Industry, Maintenance and Repair Services, etc

Job Roles

Tack Welder, Welding Technician, Fabricator, Welding Inspector, Welding Supervisor, etc



Top Colleges for the course, Diploma TACK WELDER Course:


·       Government Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs) - Various locations in India

·       Advanced Training Institute (ATI) - Various locations in India

·       National Institute of Technology (NIT) - Various locations in India

·       Regional Vocational Training Institute (RVTI) - Various locations in India

·       Industrial Training Institutes (Private) - Various private institutes across India


Admission Process for the Diploma TACK WELDER course:


·       Application: Obtain the application form for the Diploma in Tack Welder course from the respective institute. This can often be done online or through offline means, such as visiting the institute's admission office.


·       Eligibility Criteria: Ensure that you meet the eligibility criteria for the course. Typically, a candidate should have completed their 10th standard (or equivalent) education from a recognized board.


·       Submission of Documents: Fill out the application form with accurate details and attach the required documents, such as academic certificates, identification proof, passport-sized photographs, and any other documents specified by the institute.


·       Entrance Exam (if applicable): Some institutes may conduct an entrance exam or an interview to assess the candidate's knowledge and aptitude for the course. Prepare for the entrance exam by studying relevant topics related to welding and its principles.


·       Merit List and Selection: Institutes will evaluate the applications and prepare a merit list based on the candidate's academic performance, entrance exam scores (if applicable), and any other selection criteria specified by the institute. The selected candidates will be notified through email, post, or the institute's official website.


·       Admission and Fee Payment: Once selected, candidates need to complete the admission formalities, including payment of the required fees within the specified timeline. This may involve submitting additional documents and completing any necessary paperwork.




Syllabus to be Study in the duration of the course Diploma TACK WELDER Course:


·       Introduction to Welding

·       Welding Safety and Precautions

·       Welding Processes and Techniques

·       Welding Equipment and Tools

·       Welding Materials and Metal Preparation

·       Basic Welding Joints and Positions

·       Tack Welding Techniques and Applications

·       Weld Quality and Inspection

·       Welding Symbols and Blueprint Reading

·       Welding Defects and Troubleshooting

·       Welding Codes and Standards

·       Welding Health and Ergonomics

·       Welding Mathematics and Measurements

·       Welding Documentation and Record Keeping

·       Practical Training and Hands-on Welding Experience



Frequently Asked Questions:


Q1: What is the role of a tack welder?

A1: A tack welder is responsible for creating temporary welds or "tacks" to hold metal components in place before the final welding process. Tack welds ensure proper alignment and stability during the fabrication or assembly process.


Q2: What skills are required to become a successful tack welder?

A2: Some essential skills for a tack welder include a good understanding of welding techniques, proficiency in using welding equipment and tools, knowledge of different types of metals and their properties, ability to read and interpret welding blueprints, attention to detail, and a strong focus on safety protocols.


Q3: Can I learn tack welding without any prior welding experience?

A3: While prior welding experience can be advantageous, it is possible to learn tack welding as a beginner. The Diploma in Tack Welder course is designed to provide the necessary theoretical knowledge and practical skills required to perform tack welding effectively. With proper training and practice, individuals can develop their skills in this specific area of welding.


Q4: Are there any job opportunities available for tack welders?

A4: Yes, there are job opportunities available for tack welders in various industries such as manufacturing, construction, fabrication, automotive, and aerospace. Tack welders are often employed in welding shops, assembly lines, or construction sites where their skills are required for preliminary welding tasks.


Q5: Can I pursue further studies or specialization after completing the Diploma in Tack Welder course?

A5: Yes, after completing the Diploma in Tack Welder course, individuals can consider pursuing advanced courses or certifications in welding, such as specialized welding techniques, pipe welding, structural welding, or becoming a certified welder. These additional qualifications can enhance career prospects and open up opportunities for higher-level welding roles.

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